My work is, in general, about fundamental research on Machine Learning and Optimization, two most important problems in Artificial Intelligence. I'm also frequently attracted by other relevant domains, such as Smart Logistics, Structural and Multi-Disciplinary Optimization and Computational Finance, for which applied research is required to produce application-oriented learning and optimization techniques.
More specifically, most of my research could also be viewed as arising from Evolutionary Computation, which is essentially a distributed heuristic search framework widely applicable for modelling, learning and optimization problems, especially for hard problems such as Black-Box Optimization, Multi-Objective Optimization and Dynamic Optimization.
Details regarding my research could be found at NICAL
已培养毕业博士生 18 人,硕士生 40 余人。讲授(或曾讲授)人工智能、算法基础、计算机导论、创新实践、研究方法、智能数据分析、模式识别等本科或研究生课程。
学术成果 查看更多
发表学术论文 190 余篇,谷歌学术引用 10000 余次。代表性成果详情请见 NICAL
团队成员 查看更多
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