Associate Professor Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
TANG Xin is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Complex Flows and Soft Matter Research and Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing and his master’s degree (distinction) from the University of Hong Kong. He received the degree of doctor of philosophy accompanied by the Li Ka Shing Prize and Norman W.M. Ko Ph.D. Prize from the University of Hong Kong in 2019. In 2019-2022, he continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow and received the title of Research Grants Council (RGC) post-doctoral fellow. TANG Xin is interested in the interfacial phenomena and technology (liquid/solid interaction, superwettability), microscale fluids (droplet, microscale flows), and nanotechnology (nanomaterials, nanostructures, size effect). His main academic contributions are as follows: 1. Discovered and delineated the furcated droplet motility on crystalline surfaces (Nature Nanotechnology 2021); 2. Designed lossfree fluid gripper and photopyroelectric microfluidics for precise droplet manipulations (Nature Communications 2017; Science Advances 2020); 3. Studied the enhanced droplet deposition on nonwetting surfaces using thin lubricant overlayer (Nature Communications 2021).
Personal Profile
Dr. TANG Xin obtained his bachelor’s degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing and his master’s degree (distinction) from the University of Hong Kong. He received the degree of doctor of philosophy accompanied by the Li Ka Shing Prize and Norman W.M. Ko Ph.D. Prize from the University of Hong Kong in 2019. In 2019-2022, he continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow and received the title of Research Grants Council (RGC) post-doctoral fellow. TANG Xin is interested in the interfacial phenomena and technology (liquid/solid interaction, superwettability, nature-inspired engineering), soft matter (droplet, colloid, liquid crystal), and nanotechnology (nanomaterials, nanostructures, size effect).
- RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme(2021/22)
- Li Ka Shing Prize(2018-2019)
- Norman W.M. Ko Ph.D. Prize(2018-2019)
- Gold Award in Geneva Invention(2021)
- The James Dyson Award-National Runner Up(2019)
- Outstanding Master of Science Student Award (2014)
Interfacial phenomena (liquid/solid interaction, superwettability);
Microscale fluids (droplet, microscale flows);
Nanotechnology (nanomaterials, nanostructures, size effect).
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Publications Read More
Dr. TANG Xin published more than 25 academic papers, including 1 Nature Nanotechnology, 2 Nature Communications, and 1 Science Advances wherein he is the first or correspondence author. His researches have been selected as cover story for Nature Nanotechnology and Materials Today and widely reported by numerous technology media, including ScienceDaily,, TechXplore, EurekAlert, and Optics & Photonics News.
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PhD and master students are highly welcomed and please contact TANG Xin for joining (