Research Assistant Professor Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Xiang Li is currently a Research Assistant Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech, China). Before this, he was a  SUSTech Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow when he received his Ph.D degree form Harbin Institute of Technology in 2022. His research interests lie in experimental and computational fluid dynamics of complex multiphase flow, such as microfluidic flow and ferrofluids. He has published 19 research papers (4 ESI highly cited paper and 1 ESI Hot paper) and filed more than 50 patents in China, and 3 PCT patents. He has secured 5 academic fundings, including Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation and Special Funded Projects of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He was the recipient of many scholarships and awards including 2013 Liaoning Provincial Government Scholarship, 2017 Young Research Award in Physics of Fluids, 2017 National Scholarship (Master Student Level), 2018 Scholarship of China Telecom, 2019 National Scholarship (PhD Student Level), 2022 Excellent graduate in SUSTech, 2022 Best doctoral dissertation in SUSTech, 2023 Young Research Award of Guangdong Mechanics Society and 2023 Excellent Postdoc of Shenzhen. He served as reviewer in Physics of Fluids (2019-2022 star reviewer), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Modern Physics Letters B, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, and Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics.

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<1> Multiphase flows and self-assembly of ferrofluids

<2> Lattice Boltzmann model for ferrofluids

<3> Magnetic microfluidic and microdroplet technologies

<4> Preparation of ferrofluids and their applications

Publications Read More

The representative papers in the past five years are as follows:

[1] X. Li, Z.Q. Dong, L.P. Wang, X.D. Niu*, H. Yamaguchi, D.C. Li, and P. Yu*, “A magnetic field coupling fractional step lattice Boltzmann model for the mass transfer phenomenon in magnetic multiphase flows,” Appl. Math. Model., 117, 219-250, (2023). (ESI Hot Paper, ESI Highly Cited Paper, IF=5.336, JCR Q1, 58 citations)

[2] X. Li, Z.Q. Dong, P. Yu*, L.P. Wang, X.D. Niu*, H. Yamaguchi, and D.C. Li, “Effect of self-assembly on fluorescence in magnetic multiphase flows and its application on the novel detection for COVID-19,” Phys. Fluid., 33, 042004(2021). (ESI Highly Cited Paper, IF=4.98, JCR Q1, 54 citations)

[3] X. Li, P. Yu*, X.D. Niu*, D.C. Li, H. Yamaguchi, “A magnetic field coupling lattice Boltzmann model and its application on the merging process of multiple-ferrofluid-droplet system,” Appl. Math. Comput., 393, 125769, (2021). (ESI Highly Cited Paper, IF=4.397, JCR Q1,  27 citations)

[4] X. Li, Z.Q. Dong, P. Yu*, X.D. Niu*, L.P. Wang, D.C. Li, and H. Yamaguchi, “Numerical investigation of magnetic multiphase flows by the fractional-step-based multiphase lattice Boltzmann method” Phys. Fluids 32, 083309 (2020). (Editor’s Pick, IF=3.514, JCR Q1, 37 citations)

[5] X. Li, P. Yu*, X.D. Niu*, H. Yamaguchi, and D.C. Li, “Non-contact manipulation of nonmagnetic materials by using a uniform magnetic field: Experiment and simulation,” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 497, 165957 (2020). (ESI Highly Cited Paper, IF=2.993, JCR Q2, 91 citations)

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