WANG Wenxiu



Postdoctoral Researcher

BSci, China University of Geoscience Beijing.

Ph.D., Tongji University.

Joined the lab in 2021.

Project: Host-associated Viromes.


Zhao, Y., Huang, F., Wang, W.*, Gao, R., Fan, L., Wang, A., Gao, S.-H.*, 2023. Application of high-throughput sequencing technologies and analytical tools for pathogen detection in urban water systems: Progress and future perspectives. Science of The Total Environment 900, 165867. 
Xu, B., Fan, L.*, Wang, W., Zhu, Y., Zhang, C., 2023. Diversity, distribution, and functional potentials of magroviruses from marine and brackish waters. Front. Microbiol. 14, 1151034. 
Chen, S., Tao, J., Chen, Y., Wang, W., Fan, L.*, Zhang, C.*, 2021. Interactions Between Marine Group II Archaea and Phytoplankton Revealed by Population Correlations in the Northern Coast of South China Sea. Front Microbiol 12, 785532.


国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024 - 2027,参与。