
讲席教授 |生命科学学院, 系统生物学系

王泽峰,1994年毕业于清华大学,获生物和计算机双学士学位;1997年毕业于中科院生物物理所,获硕士学位;2002年毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学,获博士学位。2002-2006年于麻省理工学院受Damon Runyon博士后奖学金资助进行系统生物学研究。2007年在北卡大学教堂山分校担任助理教授,并于2013年升为副教授(终身教职)。2014-2021年任中科院马普计算生物学研究所研究员、所长、中科院计算生物重点实验室主任;2021-2023年任中科院上海营养健康所研究员。2023年至今任南方科技大学生命学院讲座教授。

长期从事RNA系统生物学研究及相关技术研发,包括RNA可变剪接的调控;环形RNA的非典型翻译及其生理功能;设计人工RNA结合蛋白质来操控RNA。2014年在国际上首次发现环形RNA可进行翻译来合成蛋白,并系统性鉴定了非典型RNA翻译调控元件,开创了环形RNA作为新一代mRNA疗法的应用。于Cell, Mol Cell, Cancer Cell, Nat Stru Mol Biol, Cell Research, Nat Methods等核心杂志发表论文80余篇并被广泛引用。其研究获多项国际国内奖励,包括杰弗逊基础医学奖、贝克曼学者奖、Kimmel学者奖、斯隆研究奖、马普学者奖、德国Mercator学者、科技部重点领域创新团队负责人等。兼任Science Bulletin,Fundamental Research,JMCB,副主编和JBC等多个学术期刊编委,以及多个国家重点实验室和中科院重点实验室的学术委员会委员,兼任国家自然基金委生命科学部第九届咨询委员会委员。






学术成果 查看更多

  1. Wei H, Zheng L, Wang Z. mRNA therapeutics: New vaccination and beyond. Fundamental Research. Available online 16 March 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2023.02.022.
  2. Han W#,Huang W#, Wei T, Ye Y, Mao M*, Wang Z*. Programmable RNA base editing with a single gRNA-free enzyme. Nucleic Acids Research. 2022, Vol. 50, No. 16,9581-9595.
  3. Fan X#,Yang Y#, Chen C#, Wang Z*. Pervasive translation of circular RNAs driven by short IRES-like elements.Nature Communications. (2022) 13:3751. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31327-y.
  4. Wei H*, Fan X, Hu Y, Tian X, Guo M, Mao M, Fang Z, Wu P, Gao S, Peng C, Yang Y, Wang Z*. A systematic survey of PRMT interactomes reveals the key roles of arginine methylation in the global control of RNA splicing and translation. Science Bulletin 2021, 66(13):1342-1357.
  5. Chen C, Yang Y, Wang Z Study of circular RNA translation using reporter systems in living cells. Methods. 2021 Mar 20:S1046-2023(21)00077-3.
  6. Huang W, Ling Y, Zhang S, Xia Q, Cao R, Fan X, Fang Z, Wang Z*, Zhang G* (* co-corresponding author), TransCirc: an interactive database for translatable circular RNAs based on multi-omics evidence, Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D236-D242. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa823.
  7. Zhang S#, Bao Y# , ShenX# , PanY# , Sun Y, Xiao M , Chen K, Wei H , Ji Zuo , Saffen D , Zong W, Sun Y*, Wang Z *, Wang Y* . RNA binding motif protein 10 suppresses lung cancer progression by controlling alternative splicing of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H.EBioMedicine, 2020, 61:103067.
  8. Wang Y*, Bao Y, Zhang S, Wang Z*.Splicing dysregulation in cancer: from mechanistic understanding to a new class of therapeutic targets. April 2020 Vol.63 No.4: 469–484
  9. Yang Y*, Wang Z*. IRES-mediated cap-independent translation, a path leading to hidden proteome. J Mol Cell Biol. 2019,11(10), 911-919.
  10. Bindereif A, Wang Z . A joint adventure of Sino-German researchers to explore the wild world of RNAs. Journal of Molecular Cell (2019), 11(10), 811–812 Biology(10):10.
  11. Mao M, Hu Y, Yang Y, Qian Y, Wei HH, Fan W, Yang Y, Li X, Wang Z*. Modeling and predicting the activities of trans-acting splicing factors with machine learning.  Cell Systems, 2018 Nov 28;7(5):510-520.e4.
  12. Yang Y, Fan X, Mao M, Song X, Wu P, Zhang Y, Jin Y, Yang Y, Chen L, Wang Y, Wong CL , Xiao XG, Wang Z, Extensive translation of circular RNAs driven by N6-methyladenosine, Cell Research. 2017.03.10; (27):626~641
  13. Wang Y, Wang Z. Efficient backsplicing produces translatable circular mRNAs. RNA 2015 Feb;21(2):172-9. doi: 10.1261/rna.048272.114. Epub 2014 Dec 1. PubMed PMID: 25449546.  (First report of circRNA translation in cells)
  14. Wang Y, Chen D, Qian H, Tsai YS, Shao S, Dominguez D and Wang Z. RBM4 specifically controls alternative splicing to suppress tumor progression. Cancer Cell 2014 26(3):374-389. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2014.07.010.
  15. Wang Y, Xiao X, Zhang J, Choudhury R, Robertson A, Li K, Ma M, Burge CB and Wang Z.  A complex network of factors with overlapping affinities control splicing repression by intronic elements. Nature Structure Molecular Biology 2013 Jan;20(1):36-45. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.2459. Epub 2012 Dec 16
  16. Choudhury R, Dominguez D, Wang Y and Wang Z. Engineering RNA endonucleases with customized sequence specificities. Nature Communication 2012 Oct 23;3:1147. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2154
  17. Wang Y, Ma M, Xiao XS and Wang Z. Intronic splicing enhancers, cognate splicing factors and context dependent regulation rules.  Nature Structure Molecular Biology, 2012 19(10):1044-52. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.2377. Epub 2012 Sep 16
  18. Wang Y, Cheong CG, Hall TM, Wang Z. Engineering splicing factors with designed specificities (2009) Nature Methods, 6(11):825-30. Epub 2009 Oct 4.


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