研究助理教授 前沿与交叉科学研究院
2012. 09-2013. 08,香港理工大学,研究助理,从事电磁计算研究
2018. 07-现在, 南方科技大学交叉学院,研究助理教授(副研究员)
2008. 09-2012. 06,合肥工业大学大学电子科学与技术系,学士
2013. 09-2018. 03,香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系,博士,导师:杜亚平
2017. 02-2017. 08,杜克大学电气工程系,访问学者,导师:柳清伙
陈博士于2018年7月入职南方科技大学任研究助理教授,主要研究方向从原来的暂态分析、电磁兼容扩展到优化设计、模式识别等领域。使用优化算法如空间映射(Space Mapping)、替代模型(Surrogate)等加速天线、屏蔽板等的设计。目前,陈博士正在开展基于图像和人工智能的微波系统自动建模仿真工作,研究自动化建模-仿真-优化流程,以及机器学习在电子电气工程中的应用。
学术成果 查看更多
[18] Zhang, Y., Chen, H.*, Du, Y., Jie, L., Li, J., Chen, M., Fan, W. and Yao, X. (2020). “Dissolved Gas Analysis Using Self-paced Ensemble Dealing with Imbalance and Dataset Fusion Issue.” High Voltage. Accepted. (JCR Q2, IF 3.2)
[17] Zhang, Z., Chen, H.*, and Cheng, Q. S. (2020). “Surrogate-Assisted Quasi-Newton Enhanced Global Optimization of Antennas Based on a Heuristic Hypersphere Sampling.” IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation. Accepted. (JCR Q1, IF 4.4)
[16] Lyu, J., Chen, H.*, Zhang, Y., Du, Y., and Cheng, Q. S. (2020). “Fast Simulation of Litz Wire Using Hierarchical PEEC Method,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Accepted. (JCR Q1, IF 7.2)
[15] Chen, H., Zhang, Y. and Cheng, Q. S. (2020). “Comprehensive Transient Analysis for Low-Voltage System in a Wind Turbine under Direct Lightning.” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Accepted. (JCR Q1, IF 4.4)
[14] Zhang, Y., Chen, H.*, and Du, Y. (2020). “Considerations of Photovoltaic System Installations for Effective Lightning Protection.” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Accepted. (JCR Q2, IF 2.3)
[13] Zhang, Y., Chen, H.*, Du, Y, Li, Z. and Wu, Y. (2020). “Lightning Transient Analysis of Main and Sub-Main Circuits in Commercial Buildings Using PEEC Method.” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Accepted. (JCR Q1, IF 3.3)
[12] Zhang, Y., Chen, H.*, and Du, Y. (2019). “Lightning protection design of solar photovoltaic systems: methodology and guideline.” Electric Power Systems Research. Accepted. (JCR Q2, IF 3.0)
[11] Chen, H., Zhang, Y., Du, Y., and Cheng, Q. S.* (2019). “Fast Design of Multilayered Magnetic Shields Using Surrogate Model and Space Mapping.” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Accepted. (JCR Q2, IF 2.3)
[10] Chen, H., Zhang, Y., Du, Y., and Cheng, Q. S.* (2019). “Lightning Propagation Analysis on Telecommunication Towers Above the Ground Using Full-Wave Time Domain PEEC Method.” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Accepted. (JCR Q2, IF 2.3)
[9] Chen, H. and Y. Du (2019). “Lightning Grounding Grid Model Considering Both the Frequency-Dependent Behavior and Ionization Phenomenon.” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 61(1): 157-165. (JCR Q2, IF 2.3)
[8] Chen, H., Du, Y., and Chen, M. (2018). “Lightning Transient Analysis of Radio Base Stations.” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33(5): 2187-2197. (JCR Q1, IF 4.4)
[7] Chen, H., Du, Y., Yuan, M., and Liu, Q. H. (2018). “Lightning-Induced Voltages on a Distribution Line With Surge Arresters Using a Hybrid FDTD–SPICE Method.” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33(5): 2354-2363. (JCR Q1, IF 4.4)
[6] Chen, H., Zhang, Y., Du, Y., and Cheng, Q. S.* (2018). “Lightning Transient Analysis of Telecommunication System with a Tubular Tower.” IEEE Access 6(1): 60088-60099. (JCR Q1, IF 4.0)
[5] Chen, H., Du, Y., Yuan, M., and Liu, Q. H. (2018). “Analysis of the Grounding for the Substation Under Very Fast Transient Using Improved Lossy Thin-Wire Model for FDTD.” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 60(6): 1833 – 1841. (JCR Q2, IF 2.3)
[4] Chen, H. and Y. Du (2018). “Proximity effect modelling for cables of finite length using the hybrid partial element equivalent circuit and artificial neural network method.” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12(16): 3876-3882. (JCR Q2, IF 3.2)
[3] Chen, H. and Y. Du (2018). “Model of ferromagnetic steels for lightning transient analysis.” IET Science, Measurement & Technology 12(3): 301-307. (JCR Q3, IF 1.9)
[2] Chen, H. and Y. Du (2018). “Proximity effect in transient analysis of radio base stations.” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 31(6): e2335. (JCR Q4)
[1] Du, Y., Chen, H. and Chen, M. (2017). “Analysis of Transient Magnetic Shielding Made by Conductive Plates With a PEEC Method.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53(6): 1-4. (JCR Q3)